Zero's Bosses
There are two listings of the bosses here, one for X and one for Zero. Each list has the bosses organized in an order which allows you to be able to use the correct special weapon or technique to defeat them with. X's Bosses will include the boss' attack patterns as well as how to defeat them, but Zero's will just have the method of defeating them.
X's Bosses |
Zero's Bosses |
Click on a number
to view the guide |
Frost Walrus |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Snow Base |
Weakness: Ryuenjin |
Special Weapon: Hyouretsuzan |
Frost Walrus can be defeated by either using standard Beam Saber attacks or the Dragon Flame Blade. Try to hit him with the Dragon Flame Blade before he performs his slide attack, or use the three-hit Beam Saber attack before he moves. You can hit him when he's firing up the icicles but make sure that you're free to dash away when the spikes begin to fall. Jump over him when he does his slide attack and hit him from behind. Repeat this until he's defeated. You'll receive the Hyouretsuzan (Ice Stab) when he's defeated. |
Web Spider |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Jungle |
Weakness: Kuuenbu |
Special Weapon: Raijingeki |
Web Spider can be defeated by using normal jump attacks with the Beam Saber or by using the Sky Waltz attack. Whenever he appears, jump and attack him once and then back away to dodge the blue web that he fires. Try to jump up the wall and then over the web so that you can get another shot in. Once he comes down, just keep hitting him with jump attacks or the Sky Waltz, and dodge the blue webs. Use normal Beam Saber attacks on the small spiders he fires out. You receive the Raijingeki (Thunder God Attack) once he's defeated. |
Split Mushroom |
Status: Maverick |
Stage: Bio Laboratory |
Weakness: Raijingeki |
Special Weapon: Kuuenbu |
Split Mushroom can be defeated by using the Thunder God Attack. When he jumps up and begins to create clones of himself, fire the attack so that you destroy two of the clones at a time, and before destroying the last two that fall, wait for him to fall off the wall and then fire it to damage him. If he manages to create the other clone of himself, just try to hit the real one to damage them both. Stay in the middle of the screen while the two of them jump around. You'll receive the Kuuenbu (Sky Waltz) once he's destroyed. |
Jet Stingray |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Marine Base |
Weakness: Hyouretsuzan |
Special Weapon: Hienkyaku |
Jet Stingray will be difficult to beat using Zero. His weakness is the Ice Stab, but you'll need to get up high to hit him, so I recommend that you first obtain the Sky Waltz so that you can jump twice in the air to reach him. When he begins to fire out the small stingrays, double jump and then use the Ice Stab just in front of him to freeze him. If he comes down into the water, jump up next to him and use it, making sure that you won't land on top of him. If you're skilled with this attack, you should be able to trap him on one side of the screen for the entire battle. You'll receive the Hienkyaku (Flying Jump) once he's destroyed. |
Slash Beast |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Military Train |
Weakness: Kuuenbu |
Special Weapon: Shippuuga |
Slash Beast can be defeated by using the Sky Waltz attack. Normal Beam Saber attacks will also work on him while he's on the ground. Just make sure that you're not in the middle of an attack when he performs his jump attack. It will come in handy if you have an energy tank in reserve, as he'll be moving fast and you need to be quick to avoid his attacks. If he performs his charge attack, jump up the wall to dodge him. A good time to use the three-swing attack is when he is standing still and roars before performing a new attack. Once he's defeated you'll receive Shippuuga (Hurricane Fang). |
Magma Dragoon |
Status: Maverick |
Stage: Volcano |
Weakness: Shippuuga |
Special Weapon: Ryuenjin |
Magma Dragoon can be defeated by using the Raiden Armor, but if you don't have it or he destroys it, use the Hurricane Fang or the Thunder God Attack. The Thunder God Attack will heavily damage him, so its probably the best weapon to use. Try to dodge his flame attacks and hit him from behind. He'll often breathe fire across the room that won't give you mush room to move, so try to jump on one of the walls to dodge it. Each time you hit him with the Thunder God Attack, he'll jump over you to one corner of the room.
Time it right and you can hit him just as he lands so that he'll jump to the other side of the room. Repeat this until he's destroyed. You'll then receive the Ryuenjin (Dragon Flame Blade) once he blows. |
Cyber Peacock |
Status: Maverick |
Stage: Cyber Space |
Weakness: Ryuenjin |
Special Weapon: Rakuhouha |
Cyber Peacock can be defeated by using the Dragon Flame Blade. Try to stay in the center of the screen so that you can easily dash away from him when he appears and then quickly perform the attack next to him before he moves. If he appears to the left or right in mid-air, dash over to him and hit him from below before he gets a chance to perform his missile attack. You can tell when he's going to lock on to Zero because his feathers will glow first. Just remember to keep moving as he'll try to appear right on top of you most of the time. Once he's defeated you'll receive the Rakuhouha (Fallen Phoenix Crush). |
Storm Owl |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Air Force |
Weakness: Rakuhouha |
Special Weapon: Tenkuuha |
Storm Owl can be defeated by using the Fallen Phoenix Crush. Try to stay in the center of the screen during this battle so that when he appears you can use the attack to hit him easily. You'll have to use the Beam Saber or take a few hits from him as the energy of the Fallen Phoenix Crush will run out before his energy does. If he hits you the energy of the weapon will increase. Use the Sky Waltz or normal Saber attacks to inflict further damage on him. Once you defeat him you'll receive the Tenkuuha (Sky Command). |
The following three bosses will be fought in the Spaceport and Final Weapon stages. |
Colonel |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Spaceport |
Weakness: Kuuenbu |
Special Weapon: N/A |
Colonel can be defeated by using the Sky Waltz attack as well as normal Beam Saber attacks. Try to double-jump when he disappears so that his slash attack will miss, or you can also jump up the wall to dodge it. When he uses his lightning attack, stand between the bolts and close to him so that you can attack him while he's standing there and dodge the lightning.
When he performs his blue energy bolt attack, jump up the wall and wait for the second beam to pass. Jump out towards him and the third one should pass under you so then you can deal him some more hits. If he performs his purple beam attack, jump up the wall and once it passes jump down to continue hitting him. |
Iris |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Final Weapon |
Weakness: Kuuenbu |
Special Weapon: N/A |
Iris will use a heavily armored suit to attack you with. She'll be often flying towards Zero to try and hit him physically, and if you strike her she'll fall back and two air mines will fly out of her. The two mines will then eventually begin to fly towards Zero. They can be easily destroyed will a single blow. After dealing her a few hits with the Sky Waltz, a large purple crystal will appear and hover above Iris.
Use the double-jump to reach the crystal and use the Sky Waltz on it and try not to hit Iris as she'll just fire out more mines. If she moves down to the lower right of the room, she'll fire out a large purple energy beam that will fly across the screen. Once she fires the beam, the purple crystal will fire the same beam in a vertical direction, and this doesn't give you much room to move around in.
Stay away from the left wall, and then when the crystal stops moving below you, jump up to the wall to dodge the attack. Keep focusing on the purple crystal and eventually you'll defeat her. |
General |
Status: Repliforce |
Stage: Final Weapon |
Weakness: Kuuenbu |
Special Weapon: N/A |
General will be difficult to hit, as his head is his only weak point. You'll mostly have to use the Sky Waltz to attack his head with. When he lowers down and moves across the screen, jump up the wall and then when he's close enough, jump over him and use the Sky Waltz so that you can hit him while falling to the floor. If he uses his fist attack, jump up the fists and dodge the blue energy rings he fires.
When the fists move towards him, jump out and hit him again so that you'll fall down between him and his fists to avoid getting hit. If he uses his six-beam energy attack, just jump through the middle of them to dodge them. You can also jump up the wall behind him before he moves up against the wall so that you can deal out more damage to his head. Once you defeat him you'll advance to the final stage of the game. |
When advancing through the last Final Weapon stage, you will have to fight all of the eight bosses again. Use the same tactics as before and remember to have full energy tanks especially for battling Slash Beast and Magma Dragoon. |
Sigma Part 1 |
Status: Maverick |
Stage: Final Weapon |
Weakness: Ryuenjin |
Special Weapon: N/A |
Sigma's first grim reaper-form can be defeated by using the Dragon Flame Blade. Hit him with it from underneath two times, and then on the third, he'll appear on the side and perform his scythe attack, so you'll have to jump up the opposite wall to dodge it. Keep repeating this process to eventually defeat him and try not to take any damage during this first part of the battle. |
Sigma Part 2 |
Status: Maverick |
Stage: Final Weapon |
Weakness: Kuuenbu |
Special Weapon: N/A |
Sigma's second form can be defeated by using the Sky Waltz. When he jumps up and throws his scythe, dash behind him to dodge it and once he lands deal him out some more blows. If he uses his eye-laser attack, dash behind him again to dodge the scythe and then jump up the wall above him to dodge the attack. If he uses his other attack, lure the scythe up the wall so that the energy beams it creates will flow up and down one of the walls and not the floor.
Dodge the four spinning blades and keep hitting him with the Sky Waltz. Repeat this process to defeat him, and try not to take too much damage or use any energy tanks during this battle, as the next stage will be the hardest. |
Sigma's Final Form |
Status: Maverick |
Stage: Final Weapon |
Weakness: Colored heads: Beam Saber / Kuuenbu Giant head: Shippuuga Giant robot: Kuuenbu |
Special Weapon: N/A |
Sigma's final form will be extremely difficult to defeat. First, refer to X's Bosses descriptions for the attack patterns of each of the five parts. When the giant head appears, dash towards it if it tries to blow you into the spikes, and then use the Hurricane Fang to inflict damage on it. If it sucks you in, let the blue head block you, and use the Thunder God Attack to destroy it when the rocks stop flying around.
Keep attacking the head once it spews out the rocks to destroy the rocks and damage the head. When the giant robot appears, use the double-jump and the Sky Waltz to attack it, jump up on the large gun barrel as you'll pass through it and it won't cause any damage. This way you can deal out damage to the head of the robot without having to worry about the gun. Remember to try and not get hit during the attacks the three heads make.
Use energy tanks if you have to, but it will take a lot of practice and skill (chance doesn't play a part in this battle!) and eventually you'll destroy Sigma and as well as beating the game, you'll give Zero his first victory over Sigma! |