----------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X4 Script ----------------------------------------------\ Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------\ X's Storyline : 1.0 Cutscene: Opening Scene : 2.0 Maverick Hunter HQ : 3.0 Encountering Magma Dragoon (Sky Lagoon Area 1) : 3.1 Sky Lagoon Area 2 : 3.2 Encountering Colonel : 4.0 Cutscene: General's Announcment : 5.0 Maverick Hunter HQ : 5.1 Stage Descriptions : 6.0 Dr. Light Capsules : 6.1 First Capsule : 6.2 Boots Upgrade : 6.3 Helmet Upgrade : 6.4 X-Buster Upgrades : 6.4.1 First Capsule : 6.4.1 Second Capsule : 6.5 Armor Upgrade : 7.0 Boss Encounters : 7.1 Encountering Web Spider : 7.2 After defeating Web Spider : 7.3 Encountering Split Mushroom : 7.4 After defeating Split Mushroom : 7.5 Encountering Cyber Peacock : 7.6 After defeating Cyber Peacock : 7.7 Encountering Storm Owl : 7.8 After defeating Storm Owl : 7.9 Encountering Magma Dragoon : 7.10 After Defeating Magma Dragoon : 7.11 Encountering Frost Walrus : 7.12 After defeating Frost Walrus : 7.13 Encountering Jet Stingray : 7.14 After defeating Jet Stingray : 7.15 Encountering Slash Beast : 7.16 After defeating Slash Beast : 8.0 Encountering Colonel after defeating four bosses : 8.1 Maverick Hunter HQ : 8.2 Memorial Hall : 8.3 After defeating Colonel : 9.0 Spaceport Stage : 9.1 Maverick Hunter HQ : 9.2 Encountering Colonel : 9.3 After defeating Colonel : 10.0 Final Weapon Stages : 10.1 Maverick Hunter HQ : 11.0 Cutscene: Maverick Hunter Hangar Bay : 12.0 Encountering Double : 12.1 After defeating Double : 13.0 Encountering General : 13.1 After defeating General : 14.0 Confronting Sigma : 14.1 Halfway through the battle : 14.2 Sigma's Final Form : 14.3 After defeating Sigma : 15.0 Meeting General : 16.0 Cutscene: Finale : 17.0 After Credits Zero's Storyline : 1.0 Cutscene: Opening Scene : 2.0 Maverick Hunter HQ : 3.0 Encountering Magma Dragoon (Sky Lagoon Area 1) : 3.1 Sky Lagoon Area 2 : 3.2 Encountering Iris : 3.3 Encountering Colonel : 4.0 Cutscene: General's Announcment : 5.0 Maverick Hunter HQ : 5.1 Stage Descriptions : 6.0 Boss Encounters : 6.1 Encountering Web Spider : 6.2 After defeating Web Spider : 6.3 Encountering Split Mushroom : 6.4 After defeating Split Mushroom : 6.5 Encountering Magma Dragoon : 6.6 After defeating Magma Dragoon : 6.7 Encountering Cyber Peacock : 6.8 After defeating Cyber Peacock : 6.9 Encountering Frost Walrus : 6.10 After Defeating Frost Walrus : 6.11 Encountering Storm Owl : 6.12 After defeating Storm Owl : 6.13 Encountering Jet Stingray : 6.14 After defeating Jet Stingray : 6.15 Encountering Slash Beast : 6.16 After defeating Slash Beast : 7.0 Encountering Colonel after defeating four bosses : 7.1 Maverick Hunter HQ : 7.2 Memorial Hall : 8.0 Spaceport Stage : 8.1 Maverick Hunter HQ : 8.2 Encountering Colonel : 8.3 After defeating Colonel : 9.0 Final Weapon Stages : 9.1 Maverick Hunter HQ : 10.0 Encountering Iris : 10.1 Cutscene: After defeating Iris : 11.0 Encountering General : 11.1 After defeating General : 12.0 Confronting Sigma : 12.1 Cutscene: Flashback to Sigma and Zero's first confrontation : 12.2 Confronting Sigma : 12.3 Halfway through the battle : 12.4 Sigma's Final Form : 12.5 After defeating Sigma : 13.0 Meeting General : 14.0 Cutscene: Finale : 15.0 After Credits ----------------------------------------------\ ------------------------------ X'S STORYLINE--------------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------------------ ->1.0 Cutscene: Opening Scene--------------------------------------------\ Mysterious Figure: It's about the Maverick Hunters, General. They are far too eager to please the humans and continue to hunt down the Reploids. Do you believe they pose a significant threat? General: Perhaps... Mysterious Figure: You already know the truth, General! Their sole mission has been to destroy any Reploids who fail to do as the humans order. It is in your best interest to stop them now, before they turn on you. You possess enough power to destroy them!! General: You are dismissed. Mysterious Figure: What?! General: I will not betray the humans. Remove yourself from my sight. My business with you has concluded. Mysterious Figure: Heh-heh... Very well, but you will change your mind soon. I assure you... HAHAHAAA! ->2.0 Maverick Hunter HQ-------------------------------------------------\ Hunter H.Q.: Mavericks have been found at point 5567! The Mavericks occupied the Sky Lagoon using the most advanced weapons available! The army appears to be the Repliforce! Mega Man X: Roger that! I'm on my way now! ->3.0 Encountering Magma Dragoon (Sky Lagoon Area 1)---------------------\ Mega Man X: You're Dragoon from the 14th unit! Dragoon: This isn't good, X! That Maverick just destroyed the power reactor! Mega Man X: What?! Then the Sky Lagoon will... come crashing into the ground! Dragoon: It's too late, X! It's time I made my escape. I suggest you do the same... don't do anything reckless on the way out, okay? Mega Man X: The city below will become a sea of flames. Many people will perish... I have no choice but to escape from here and head to the city below! -->3.1 Sky Lagoon Area 2-------------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: ...Wha?! The city has been completely destroyed. They were innocent people... I won't forget this! -->3.2 Encountering Colonel----------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: ...Who are you? Colonel: I'm the Colonel of the Repliforce. Mega Man X: Has the Repliforce been occupying this area? Colonel: What are you talking about!? I only came to save my sister. The army responsible for all the violence in this region is not the Repliforce! Mega Man X: Nevertheless, I want you to disarm and follow me back to the H.Q. Colonel: Never! You're asking my soldiers to drop their weapons? The only time we drop our weapons is when we aren't able to fight any longer! Mega Man X: But you will be regarded as a Maverick and treated as such. Colonel: Do as you will! The Repliforce would sooner fight and die than discard our pride! Consider us Mavericks if this is what you wish! Mega Man X: Wait! Calm down Colonel! Mega Man X: What the...! Something's got to give. Otherwise the entire Repliforce will be considered to be Mavericks! ->4.0 Cutscene: General's Announcment------------------------------------\ General: Brave soldiers of Repliforce, we have all been wrongfully judged as Mavericks by the humans! We cannot suffer this indignity and live in disgrace! We will build our own nation of Reploids, but remember this is neither about insurrection or rebellion against our human creators. This is about our liberty and security. We must battle for our own individual rights and our own survival. Together we will build our nation, a sanctuary for all Reploids, our own utopia. Let us forge onward towards a new golden era for the Repliforce. Colonel: I too share the General's sentiment. Take heed, we have no other choice. Let us fight venerably with courage and pride, without fear for we are the Repliforce... the most powerful army in history!! Mysterious Figure: HAHAHAA! The General has finally taken action... and now my Maverick Hunters, what will you do? I'll be watching closely from here on out! HAHAHAHAAA!! ->5.0 Maverick Hunter HQ-------------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: ...Who are you? Double: Call me Double, the rookie hunter. My leige, the Repliforce has begun it's coup! Mega Man X: ... Wait! ... Colonel, you're jumping to conclusions here! Double: Sir, you've been given the order to scramble! Mega Man X: Right. I'm leaving right now! -->5.1 Stage Descriptions------------------------------------------------\ JUNGLE: Infiltrate enemy-occupied jungle and destroy the weapon under construction. CYBERSPACE: A bug has corrupted the network. Dive into cyberspace and exterminate it. AIR FORCE: The Repliforce ship has taken off. Pursue and blast it out of the air. VOLCANO: Dragoon of the 14th unit is a traitor. Locate and bring him back to hunter H.Q. MARINE BASE: Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard the Land Chaser. BIO LAB: The abandoned lab is now operational. Investigate and destroy the lab. MILITARY TRAIN: A military train is moving supplies. Cut off Repliforce's supply route. SNOW BASE: We've discovered a hidden snow base. Halt production of their new weapon. ->6.0 Dr. Light Capsules-------------------------------------------------\ -->6.1 First Capsule-----------------------------------------------------\ Dr. Light: This battle should never have happened, X... Why must Reploids fight each other? Why do these peace keepers persist in fighting each other? This must be some sort of mistake... X, enter this capsule. Equip with this to discover the truth..(part description).. Stop this tragic war as soon as possible, X. -->6.2 Boots Upgrade-----------------------------------------------------\ Dr. Light: Equip with this boot module and jump twice in the air to hover. You can move either left or right and will remain airborne for a few moments. It is effective for negotiating through higher and more dangerous terrain. -->6.3 Helmet Upgrade----------------------------------------------------\ Dr. Light: I'm giving you a new head module, X. This module will improve your special weapons abilities. It should reduce your special weapons energy requirements to near zero. You may now use your special weapons as often as you want. -->6.4 X-Buster Upgrades-------------------------------------------------\ --->6.4.1 First Capsule--------------------------------------------------\ Dr. Light: You can charge up to four blasts at a time with this arm module. It takes a while to charge, but you can fire a charged shot at any time you so wish with it. This arm module is also changeable. Enter this capsule to change parts. --->6.4.2 Second Capsule-------------------------------------------------\ Dr. Light: With this arm part you can fire the Plasma Shot which is effective against stronger enemies. If the shot hits the opponent, plasma is generated which will cause additional damage to the enemy. This arm module is changeable. Enter this capsule to change parts. -->6.5 Armor Upgrade-----------------------------------------------------\ Dr. Light: Equip with this new body module, X. This body part absorbs damage inflicted by enemies and will gradually accumulate within. When it is filled to capacity with energy you can execute the invincible Nova Strike. However, a single use will consume all your energy stores, so use it only to pull through tight situations. ->7.0 Boss Encounters----------------------------------------------------\ -->7.1 Encountering Web Spider-------------------------------------------\ Spider: You've labeled us all as Mavericks! I won't let you pass. Turn back now! -->7.2 After defeating Web Spider----------------------------------------\ "You Got Lightning Web" Lightning Web: Fires a spider net charged with electricity. Can be used to attack, wall jump, or double jump. -->7.3 Encountering Split Mushroom---------------------------------------\ Mushroom: Are you X? I'm under orders to terminate you. Mega Man X: What?! Who's orders? Mushroom: Take a wild guess. -->7.4 After defeating Split Mushroom------------------------------------\ "You Got Soul Body" Soul Body: Accumulates energy and generates an illusion. Enemies will sustain damage if struck by the soul energy. Requires high energy expendetures, however and will eventually dissipate in time or if it sustains heavy damage. -->7.5 Encountering Cyber Peacock----------------------------------------\ Peacock: His potetial... is limitless?! ...not possible. Mega Man X: Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Peacock: I was ordered to test your abilities. It's quite simple. Mega Man X: What?! Peacock: Prepare yourself! -->7.6 After defeating Cyber Peacock-------------------------------------\ "You Got Aiming Laser" Aiming Laser: Move the cursor to lock onto enemies. Attacks the enemy with the aiming laser. -->7.7 Encountering Storm Owl--------------------------------------------\ Owl: How dare you destroy my unit! You'll pay for this with your life! -->7.8 After defeating Storm Owl-----------------------------------------\ "You Got Double Cyclone" Double Cyclone: Fires vacuum cyclones left and right. Most effective when surrounded by the enemies and against skyborne enemies. -->7.9 Encountering Magma Dragoon----------------------------------------\ Dragoon: X... You've arrived. Mega Man X: Dragoon! Why did you betray the H.Q.!? Dragon: Heh... You'll have to defeat me first. Mega Man X: But... We're allies! Dragoon: ... You're so naive. ... Listen closely. I let the Sky Lagoon fall! And I'd do it again! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Mega Man X: No! Those were innocent people! You're not Dragoon! Just a Maverick! Dragoon: You got that right! Power up X! It's time you showed me what you can do! -->7.10 After Defeating Magma Dragoon------------------------------------\ Dragoon: ... You... are... strong... X... Mega Man X: Such a waste... Why Dragoon? Dragoon: ... Always... wanted... to fight... you. ...Then ...he ... appeared ... and Mega Man X: He appeared? Who?! Dragoon: told me to work for Repliforce. To goad you into fighting... Mega Man X: You did it just so you could fight me? Dragoon: ... was worth it... for a final duel... Mega Man X: Dragoon!!! "You Got Rising Fire" Rising Fire: Shoots fire energy vertically. Effective against all airborne enemies. Some objects may be burned by this attack as well. -->7.11 Encountering Frost Walrus----------------------------------------\ Walrus: They sent a kid like you after me? I promise to end this quickly... -->7.12 After defeating Frost Walrus-------------------------------------\ "You Got Frost Tower" Frost Tower: Generates a huge ice block that acts as a shield. May also be used to trap enemies before dissipating. -->7.13 Encountering Jet Stingray----------------------------------------\ Stingray: I'm impressed that you found me... But your search is over. Get ready X! -->7.14 After defeating Jet Stingray-------------------------------------\ "You Got Ground Hunter" Ground Hunter: Fires mini Stingray drones that race across the ground. Effective agains enemies on walls and floors. Push down while the Stingray drones are flying to command them to fall. -->7.15 Encountering Slash Beast-----------------------------------------\ Beast: Challenging my unit was both foolish and reckless! You are nothing more than my prey... One that is soon to be retired! -->7.16 After defeating Slash Beast--------------------------------------\ "You Got Twin Slasher" Twin Slasher: Shoots Twin Slasher forward in two directions. This weapon has wide range capabilities making it easy to hit enemies. ->8.0 Encountering Colonel after defeating four bosses-------------------\ -->8.1 Maverick Hunter HQ------------------------------------------------\ Double: Sir, it's a message from the Colonel! Colonel: X, I'll wait for you at Memorial Hall. Make sure you show up on time! Double: Sir, this must be a trap! Mega Man X: ...Perhaps. But I won't run this time! -->8.2 Memorial Hall-----------------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: Colonel, stop this foolishness now! Colonel: ...Never! Mega Man X: Colonel, please! Think this over! Colonel: The Repliforce must be independent! Our battle will determine this! -->8.3 After defeating Colonel-------------------------------------------\ Colonel: Impressive! But the result won't be the same next time. Until then... Mega Man X: Colonel! ->9.0 Spaceport Stage----------------------------------------------------\ -->9.1 Maverick Hunter HQ------------------------------------------------\ Double: The Repliforce has begun assembling! Mega Man X: Where are they? Double: The space port! They plan to take off into space! Mega Man X: Hurry! We have to stop the Colonel! -->9.2 Encountering Colonel----------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: Colonel, step back! Colonel: I'll stop anyone who tries to interfere with our independence! Mega Man X: Enough of this! It's only an illusion! Colonel: ...You hunters will never be able to understand us! Get ready, X! -->9.3 After defeating Colonel-------------------------------------------\ Colonel: ... Impressive ... But ... it's too late! Mega Man X: What? Colonel: The Repliforce... already left for space! ... I'm beaten ... but the Repliforce will never perish! The Reploids' nation will be born in the vastness of space! Mega Man X: Colonel!!! ->10.0 Final Weapon Stages-----------------------------------------------\ -->10.1 Maverick Hunter HQ-----------------------------------------------\ Double: Repliforce has flown off into space... Mega Man X: Double, watch the ship for me. I'll go after them! Double: Sir! Reconsider what you're doing, it's far too dangerous! Mega Man X: We don't have any other option! I'm leaving you in charge here, Double! ->11.0 Cutscene: Maverick Hunter Hangar Bay------------------------------\ Double: Oh, not again! Reploid: Hey, watch it! Double: I'm terribly sorry... Mysterious Voice: It's me! Those hunters must not be allowed in here! Terminate them!! Double: Roger! Reploid: What a freak! (Double laughs) Reploid: Hey, Double, what's the matter? (Double transforms, revealing his true form, and then destroys the reploids) Reploid: This is the Maverick Hunters 17th unit! Commander X, please respond! Mega Man X: This is X! What happened?! Report! Double: Nothing to worry about. Mega Man X: No furter transmissions unless necessary to carry out the operation! Double: Understood. Mega Man X: I'm breaking contact. Double: ...And now, X will be my next target! Hee hee hee hee! ->12.0 Encountering Double-----------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: Double! What... Why are you here!? Double: ...Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! The Mavericks, Hunters and Repliforce... Idiots, all of them. They're making my job too easy! Mega Man X: ...W... What are you talking about? Double, what are you saying?! Double: Think it over in heaven! Die, X! -->12.1 After defeating Double-------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: Double! Double: ...Damn! ...How could I lose to a weakling like you... Mega Man X: Double, tell me! Why did you do this? Double: Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha! You're so naive, X! I was sent as a spy from the very beginning to keep an eye on you! Mega Man X: ...Double! I... I trusted you! Double: Ha ha ha ha! That naiveness may be your fatal flaw! Good bye, X! See you in the after life! Mega Man X: Double!! ->13.0 Encountering General----------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: General! What are you planning to do? General: ...We're going to build a nation for the Reploids. That's our ultimate goal. We'll fight anyone who tries to interfere with our independence. Mega Man X: There must be alternatives to this mindless fighting! General: ... We were called Mavericks without justifiable reason. What other choice did we have than to fight? Mega Man X: ...But... General: It's too late now! Get ready, X! -->13.1 After defeating General------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: .. What? What happened!? General: ...It can't be... This weapon must be malfunctioning... Mega Man X: General! What do you mean? General: Someone else is controlling it! ... You must hurry X. The earth is... in danger! Mega Man X: Alright. I'll stop the weapon myself! ->14.0 Confronting Sigma-------------------------------------------------\ Sigma: This is amusing... It really is X... Mega Man X: You're... Sigma! Sigma: Hee hee hee. My plan to keep Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters at each others' throats worked perfectly! ... Double did a good job as a spy! Mega Man X: Why you... ! Sigma: Hee hee hee. Repliforce are the fools this time! Now all that's left is to destroy Earth with the very weapon they made. Mega Man X: No! I'll never let you do that! Sigma: Try hard X. Your life depends on it! -->14.1 Halfway through the battle---------------------------------------\ Sigma: Hee hee hee. You are very good, X! But not for long. You won't be able to evade this attack! -->14.2 Sigma's Final Form-----------------------------------------------\ Sigma: Ha ha ha ha ha! Feel my incredible power! Drown in the empty vastness of space! -->14.3 After defeating Sigma--------------------------------------------\ Sigma: ... Hee hee hee. Mega Man X: What's so funny? Sigma: This weapon is aimed straight at earth already... No one can stop it now! Mega Man X: Damn! Sigma: Ha ha ha ha ha! Good bye, X! ->15.0 Meeting General---------------------------------------------------\ Mega Man X: General! General: The weapon can be stopped with my body. Mega Man X: But then you'll... General: Many of my men have died. As their leave with them... X, please forgive our foolishness... Mega Man X: General! ->16.0 Cutscene: Finale--------------------------------------------------\ Zero: This is Maverick Hunter headquarters! Mega Man X: Zero! Zero: It's good to see you're safe, X. I was really worried about you. Mega Man X: Sorry about that... Zero: Don't worry, it's all over... go home and rest... You've earned it! Mega Man X: ...But Zero... What... what if I become one of the mavericks? Zero: Don't ask a silly question, I'm breaking contact now! Mega Man X: Wait, Zero! I'm... I'm serious! Zero... If.. if I become a Maverick you have to take care of me... Zero: Don't be rediculous... now, hurry on back... Mega Man X: Promise me... Zero... ->17.0 After Credits-----------------------------------------------------\ The battle has ended. Yet somehow X doesn't feel quite right... "... What caused all those robots to turn into Mavericks?" "... Will it happen to me someday?" Has X just realized his tragic destiny? It appears that X will have to solve this mystery one day... Soon... ------------------------------ ZERO'S STORYLINE-----------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------------------ ->1.0 Cutscene: Opening Scene--------------------------------------------\ Shadowy Figure: Zero... Zero: Who are you? Shadowy Figure: My masterpiece... Zero: What? Who are you?! Shadowy Figure: After him! He is my nemesis! Our rivalry is what gives me motivation in life! Now go! Destroy him! That's an order! Zero: What? Wait! AAAAGGHH! Intercom: Emergency! Emergency! All Maverick Hunters on call should assemble immediately!... Zero: The same dream... again... ->2.0 Maverick Hunter HQ-------------------------------------------------\ Hunter H.Q.: Mavericks emerged at the point 5567. They've occupied Sky Lagoon! This looks like Repliforce's doing! Zero: Repliforce? ... OK. I'm on my way. ->3.0 Encountering Magma Dragoon (Sky Lagoon Area 1)---------------------\ Zero: Dragoon!? You're in the 14th unit. Why...? Dragoon: This doesn't look good, Zero! That Maverick took out the power! Zero: What! Then the Sky Lagoon will... come crashing into the ground! Dragoon: Yes... and destroy the entire city. Zero: We have to do something! Dragoon: It's too late. I must escape now. You'd best do the same, Zero... Zero: Damn! If the Sky Lagoon falls... it will be disastrous! There's no time... I'm going down! -->3.1 Sky Lagoon Area 2-------------------------------------------------\ Zero: The carnage... It's... horrible... Those Mavericks will pay for this! -->3.2 Encountering Iris-------------------------------------------------\ Zero: Iris! What are you doing here? Are you OK!? Iris: Zero... Did you come to save me? Zero: Yes. Hang on! Iris: A huge Maverick appeared and... Zero: Stay here Iris. I'll handle it! Zero: Is this really one of Repliforce's? I don't have a moment to spare! I have to defeat him or else... -->3.3 Encountering Colonel----------------------------------------------\ Colonel: Zero! Long time no see! Zero: Colonel... What are you doing here? Colonel: I've come to save my sister Iris. I only hope she's okay... Zero: She's fine! I just rescued her. Colonel: Oh? Thanks Zero! I owe you one... Zero: ...Colonel. I have a question for you. ...Did your unit attack this place? Colonel: What are you talking about? Repliforce came here for help. We weren't involved in the attack! Zero: They suspect you've become a Maverick. Colonel: What!? Zero: Disarm and come with me to the H.Q. Colonel: I'm afraid I can't. Soldiers never drop their weapons! I won't do it, not even for you Zero! Zero: Then they'll think you're a Maverick! Colonel: So be it! The Repliforce prefers war over dishonor and shame! Good bye, Zero! Zero: Wait! Colonel! Listen to me! Zero: Damn! This isn't good Colonel! They may decide the entire Repliforce is a group of Mavericks! ->4.0 General's Announcment----------------------------------------------\ General: Brave soldiers of Repliforce, we have all been wrongfully judged as Mavericks by the humans! We cannot suffer this indignity and live in disgrace! We will build our own nation of Reploids, but remember this is neither about insurrection or rebellion against our human creators. This is about our liberty and security. We must battle for our own individual rights and our own survival. Together we will build our nation, a sanctuary for all Reploids, our own utopia. Let us forge onward towards a new golden era for the Repliforce. Colonel: I too share the General's sentiment. Take heed, we have no other choice. Let us fight venerably with courage and pride, without fear for we are the Repliforce... the most powerful army in history!! Mysterious Figure: HAHAHAA! The General has finally taken action... and now my Maverick Hunters, what will you do? I'll be watching closely from here on out! HAHAHAHAAA!! ->5.0 Maverick Hunter HQ-------------------------------------------------\ Zero: Iris! ...What are you doing here? Iris: My brother Colonel started the coup! Zero: I know... Iris: Please don't fight against him! This must be some kind of mistake! Zero: They've occupied several cities already. As a hunter, I must stop them! Iris: Zero... Zero: I must go now! -->5.1 Stage Descriptions------------------------------------------------\ JUNGLE: Infiltrate enemy-occupied jungle and destroy the weapon under construction. CYBERSPACE: A bug has corrupted the network. Dive into cyberspace and exterminate it. AIR FORCE: The Repliforce ship has taken off. Pursue and blast it out of the air. VOLCANO: Dragoon of the 14th unit is a traitor. Locate and bring him back to hunter H.Q. MARINE BASE: Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard the Land Chaser. BIO LAB: The abandoned lab is now operational. Investigate and destroy the lab. MILITARY TRAIN: A military train is moving supplies. Cut off Repliforce's supply route. SNOW BASE: We've discovered a hidden snow base. Halt production of their new weapon. ->6.0 Boss Encounters----------------------------------------------------\ -->6.1 Encountering Web Spider-------------------------------------------\ Spider: Ah... Zero. I've been expecting you. Zero: Spider! You work for Repliforce?! Spider: Yes... I lead a renegade unit now. Zero: There's still time, call off the coup! Spider: No. I know where my loyalties lie. -->6.2 After defeating Web Spider----------------------------------------\ "You Learned Raijingeki" Raijingeki: S.M. button on the ground. Lightning attack. Effective against distant enemies. -->6.3 Encountering Split Mushroom---------------------------------------\ Mushroom: You made it this far. I'm impressed! You interested in a real challenge? Zero: Who's your commanding officer? Mushroom: Never mind that, it's time to fight! -->6.4 After defeating Split Mushroom------------------------------------\ "You Learned Kuuenbu" Kuuenbu: With the correct timing, higher and further jumps are possible while airborne. Kuuenzan may be activated while attacking in the air. -->6.5 Encountering Magma Dragoon----------------------------------------\ Dragoon: Zero... It's really you! Zero: Why did you betray us?! Dragoon: ......... Zero: Answer me, Dragoon! Dragoon: I have no answer for you my friend. Zero: Dragoon! -->6.6 After defeating Magma Dragoon-------------------------------------\ Dragoon: ...I ...wanted ...to ... defeat... you... ...Then ..he ...appeared... Zero: He? Who!? Dragoon: ...He ...told me... he'd give me power.. only if I worked... for Repliforce... Zero: ...What!? Dragoon: I couldn't... refuse the offer... Sorry Zero... Zero: ...Dragoon!!! "You Learned Ryuenjin" Ryuenjin: Up + S.M. button on the ground. A powerful attack that burns enemies with flames. Some objects may be burned with this technique. -->6.7 Ecountering Cyber Peacock-----------------------------------------\ Peacock: I'm impressed you made it this far! But you can't beat me! Get ready! -->6.8 After defeating Cyber Peacock-------------------------------------\ "You Learned Rakuhouha" Rakuhouha: Giga attack button on the ground. The ultimate special attack that channels all stored energy into one blast. Use this move selectively as it consumes energy. -->6.9 Encountering Frost Walrus-----------------------------------------\ Walrus: What's that blonde kid up to?! I don't have time for you junior! Zero: Hey! Shut up and fight already! Walrus: Oh... That does it, you're goin' down! -->6.10 After defeating Frost Walrus-------------------------------------\ "You Learned Hyouretsuzan" Hyouretsuzan: Down + S.M. button while jumping. A dive attack. Effective against surface enemies. -->6.11 Encountering Storm Owl-------------------------------------------\ Owl: Why did you judge us as Mavericks!? Zero: Wait! Stop the coup! Owl: No. We're justified in doing this! -->6.12 After defeating Storm Owl----------------------------------------\ "You Learned Tenkuuha" Tenkuuha: Enhanced Z Saber! You can cut enemy energy shots with your saber. -->6.13 Encountering Jet Stingray----------------------------------------\ Stingray: Argh! He's still after me! Enough already! We settle this now! -->6.14 After defeating Jet Stingray-------------------------------------\ "You Learned Hienkyaku" Hienkyaku: Dash button while jumping. May be executed in the air. -->6.15 Encountering Slash Beast-----------------------------------------\ Beast: You dared to attack my unit?! I'm gonna enjoy fighting you! -->6.16 After defeating Slash Beast--------------------------------------\ "You Learned Shippuuga" Shippuuga: S.M. button while dashing. You can execute a powerful dash blade attack. Approach your enemy with Shippuuga and perform a combo! ->7.0 Encountering Colonel after defeating four bosses-------------------\ -->7.1 Maverick Hunter HQ------------------------------------------------\ Iris: I've got a message from Repliforce... Colonel: Zero! I'll be at the Memorial Hall! Be there! Iris: Don't go Zero! Don't Fight him! Zero: This is a matter of personal pride now. There's no avoiding this... I must go. ->7.2 Memorial Hall------------------------------------------------------\ Zero: Colonel! Colonel: What? Zero: I'm disappointed in you, Colonel! HUUWAAA! Colonel: What do you think you're doing? Zero: It's not too late! Stop the coup now! Colonel: Never... Zero: If that's your decision... Prepare yourself! Iris: Stop! Please! Brother, please! Don't you remember?! Zero saved my life! Colonel: Very well, then... I'll spare your life for now... But next time there will be no mercy. Iris: Zero, please don't fight with my brother! If you do I'm afraid that one of you might end up... Zero: Someone must stop Repliforce... Iris: Zero! ->8.0 Spaceport Stage----------------------------------------------------\ -->8.1 Maverick Hunter HQ------------------------------------------------\ Iris: Repliforce is at the space harbor... Zero: I have to go. Iris: No! ...Please wait Zero! I don't want to see you two fight... Zero: Someone has to stop your brother. I'm leaving... -->8.2 Encountering Colonel----------------------------------------------\ Zero: I don't want to fight. Step back. Colonel: I'm sorry. I can't let you through... Zero: Iris will be sad if she loses you... Colonel: Don't be so presumptuous Zero! Save it until after you've defeated me! -->8.3 After defeating Colonel-------------------------------------------\ Colonel: ...Impressive Zero! But it's too late! Zero: What!? Colonel: Repliforce has left for the space! Even if I perish, Repliforce lives. Zero: ...Colonel. Colonel: ... Zero. Tell Iris that her brother died happily! ...Good bye Zero! Zero: Colonel!!! ->9.0 Final Weapon Stages------------------------------------------------\ -->9.1 Maverick Hunter HQ------------------------------------------------\ Hunter H.Q.: They've left for outer space! Scramble all Maverick Hunters! Zero: Iris? Where are you? Iris! She left with them? No!! Hunter H.Q.: Maverick Hunters! Scramble! Zero: I'm on my way! Don't do this to me Iris... ->10.0 Encountering Iris-------------------------------------------------\ Zero: Iris! Iris: So you fought with my brother... Zero: I'm sorry... Iris: Then it's over. Everything... Zero: Wait Iris! Listen to me! Iris: Good bye Zero... Zero: Iris! -->10.1 Cutscene: After defeating Iris-----------------------------------\ Zero: Iris! Iris... Iris: Zero... Zero: Hang in there, Iris! Iris: Please... stay away from Repliforce. Let's live together in a world where only Reploids exist... Zero: Iris, there's no world just for Reploids... it's only a fantasy. Iris: Yes, I know... but I wanted to believe it... I wanted to live in a world where only Reploids exist. With you... Zero: Iris... Iris! Iris!! Iris!!! Iris.. Iris... Iris... No, this isn't happening! There's no reason for me to go on! What... What am I fighting for!!! ->11.0 Encountering General----------------------------------------------\ Zero: General! Many died because of you! Those lives are on you conscience! General: Independence always has a high price... Zero: What about Iris?! Did you forget her? General: I have no regrets. Come on, Zero! -->11.1 After defeating General------------------------------------------\ Zero: What is this!? What happened!? General: No! This weapon can't be working... Zero: General! What's wrong? General: Someone else is controlling it! Zero: Then... Earth's in grave danger! It must be stopped! I'll handle this... ->12.0 Confronting Sigma-------------------------------------------------\ Sigma: Hee hee hee. Good work, Zero! Zero: You're... Sigma! ...So it was you! Sigma: Hee hee hee. Yes! Simply brilliant! You even defeated Colonel and Iris! Zero: ...You made me do it! Sigma: ... No. You wanted to destroy them! Allow me to remind you that I was once the leader of the maverick Hunters... ->12.1 Cutscene: Flashback to Sigma and Zero's first confrontation-------\ Sigama: What's our current situation? Soldier: Commander! Sigma: Where's that red Maverick that wiped out Garma's unit? Soldier: In... inside! He's inside that door! Sigma: You may leave now... I'll take care of this personally! Soldier: By yourself, Commander? Sigma: I don't want any more of my people being sacrificed! (Sigma battles Maverick Zero and becomes infected with the virus) Soldier: Look! It's Commander Sigma! Soldier: Incredible! Now I'm certain there's no one that's a match for the Commander... What! Sigma: Take that red Maverick to the repair center and call Dr. Cain... I wish to have that Maverick studied! Soldier: Commander! Are you OK? Sigma: Silence! -->12.2 Confronting Sigma------------------------------------------------\ Sigma: Zero! You were a Maverick?! Zero: What's your point?! Are you that suprised? Sigma: Ah... Zero! You're most impressive! Zero: Sigma... I will defeat you! -->12.3 Halfway through the battle---------------------------------------\ Sigma: I've been waiting for you Zero! It's time for us to settle this! -->12.4 Sigma's Final Form-----------------------------------------------\ Sigma: Ha ha ha! You're finished Zero! Iris is waiting for you! -->12.5 After defeating Sigma--------------------------------------------\ Sigma: ...Hee hee hee. Zero: What's so funny? Sigma: This weapon is aimed at Earth... No one can stop it... Zero: No! Sigma: Ha ha ha ha ha!! Good bye, Zero! ->13.0 Meeting General---------------------------------------------------\ Zero: General! General: ...Zero... I was... wrong. Sigma... He blinded me to the truth... Zero: It's okay ... rest. General: ...With my body I can stop the weapon. Zero: But then you'll... General: It's over for this soldier. Farewell! Zero: General!!! -->14.0 Cutscene: Finale-------------------------------------------------\ Zero: So... this is what happened to me... this is my fate... I couldn't save anyone after all! Iris!!! Iris: Please stop, brother! ...Zero! Zero: Iris! Did we reploids all turn out to be Mavericks after all? -->15.0 After Credits----------------------------------------------------\ ... The battle has ended. But for some reason, Zero's memories of the past continue to haunt his mind. ... As a hunter, it is his duty to go after those Mavericks... ... And at the same time, he knows that it is his destiny to defeat his friend one day. Two different people. Two different fates. In the future... Zero's decision will lead two great hunters to tragedy. The future is coming... ---------------------------------------------- The above dialogue is original and unedited from the game Mega Man X4. It is Copyright (C) Capcom. ---------------------------------------------- Megaman, Rockman, Megaman X, Rockman X, and all related characters and logos are TM and (C) Capcom and Capcom Entertainment. ---------------------------------------------- This file came from MMXZ: The Maverick Hunters. http://megaman.retropixel.net/ ----------------------------------------------