Bosses Guide
There are three listings of the bosses here, one for X's Mode, Zero's Mode and the Extreme Mode. Each list has the bosses organized in an order which allows you to be able to use the correct special weapon or technique to defeat them with.
Keep in mind that in Extreme mode you'll have to face all eight bosses in the game, but you'll be able to choose between fighting Berkana or Gareth, depending on which character you use before battling Sigma.
X's Bosses | Zero's Bosses |
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Extreme Bosses - Sigma | |
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X's Bosses
Maverick Skull | |||
Power: ??? | Speed: ??? | Weakness: X-Buster | Special Weapon: N/A |
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This first boss will appear once you reach the end of the first stage. It'll take up most of the screen so you won't have much room to move around in. For most of the battle it'll move around, trying to line it's head up with X. The head will often fire down a large blue energy beam, dash away to dodge it, as it causes heavy damage. The head will also sometimes spit out two smaller orange heads that follow X, just shoot them to get rid of them. If the head flashes white, it'll send down a large spinning razor blade that will move across the ground towards X, just madly blast at it to destroy it. To defeat this boss, use charged shots on the head. You'll have to jump up to hit the head, so try to avoid being cornered before jumping. This boss shouldn't be too difficult to beat. |
Neon Tiger | |||
Power: 3600rp | Speed: 9900rp | Weakness: X-Buster | Special Weapon: Ray Claw |
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Neon Tiger will jump up onto the walls often during this battle. First, he'll jump up to one of the walls and pause for a few seconds. He'll then perform one of two attacks. The first one is where he jumps down straight at X. Try to stay near the opposite wall as a jumps, but move forward a little so that when he jumps down you can dodge him by dashing into the corner. Once he lands he'll jump up to the other wall. The other attack is where he fires out energy balls from his tail. The balls will home in on X, so dash and jump out of their way. When he's on the ground he might also sometimes perform a charge attack, be very careful and try to jump over him, as this attack causes heavy damage. He has no apparent weakness, but the X-Buster works well against him. When he jumps up on a wall, charge up the X-Buster, jump up the opposite wall and fire at him. Just remember to be careful of his jump attacks, and you shouldn't have any problem beating him. Once you defeat Neon Tiger you'll receive the Ray Claw. |
Launch Octopus | |||
Height: 7.80 ft | Weight: 348 lb | Weakness: Ray Claw | Special Weapon: Marine Tornado |
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Launch Octopus will float down into the water-filled chamber before attacking. He'll often be firing out missiles in two-wave formations, so you'll have to either dash under them, jump over them or you can easily destroy them with the X-Buster. He'll also often try to jump down on top of X. Just dash to the left or right to dodge him. Quite often he'll jump up to a corner and create a huge swirling wave-vortex which will try to draw X into it. If you get caught, Launch'll begin to suck X's energy away. Just continuously dash away from him to dodge this attack. To defeat him, use the Ray Claw. You'll need to come in close to deal out a blow, but once you hit him, his tentacles will blow off and he'll only be able to fire missiles. He'll fire out a few, then try to jump on top of X, so dash to the side when he jumps, them attack once he lands. You'll probably run out of weapon energy before he blows, just finish him off with the X-Buster. Dodge his missiles and his jump attacks, and you should finish him off fairly easily. You'll gain the Marine Tornado weapon once he's defeated. |
Flame Mammoth | |||
Height: 10.5 ft | Weight: 719 lb | Weakness: Marine Tornado | Special Weapon: Fire Wave |
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Flame Mammoth will battle you in the large conveyer belt room. As soon as you enter the room, his energy bar will appear and he'll jump in from the right, so quickly dash to the left to dodge him. If he roars he'll change the direction of the moving conveyer belt, so make sure you know which way it's going to successfully dodge his jump attacks. He'll be performing his jump attacks quite often, just remember to dash under him and jump up as he lands, otherwise you'll be stunned for a second and won't be able to move. He'll also sometimes fire out a series of fireballs, jump up a wall to dodge them. He often also fires out several flames out of the screen, once they reappear they'll fall down on top of X, so dash to the side to dodge them. If he fires out a glob of oil which is then later hit by his fire, it'll engulf and create a wall of flames, so try to stay away if this happens. To defeat him, use the Marine Tornado. Wait until he jumps at you, then fire the weapon, Flame'll jump straight into the vortex and be thrown back by the blast. Keep up this sequence and you should defeat him very easily. You'll receive the Fire Wave once he's defeated. |
Volt Catfish | |||
Power: 8200rp | Speed: 1600rp | Weakness: Ray Claw | Special Weapon: Tri-Thunder |
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Volt Catfish will be using a lot of heavy electric attacks during this battle. He'll quite often jump around and try to ram into X, dash under him to dodge his attacks. If he jumps into one of the corners of the room, he'll fire out two small energy balls that fly out, one on the top of the screen and one on the bottom. He'll them try to suck X in. The two balls will follow X and generate energy bolts up and down them. Try to move towards Catfish to dodge the bolts, but don't get too close. He also often sends out two large energy balls which crawl along the floor and walls, just jump over them when they come close. Use the Ray Claw to defeat him. When he jumps, dash to the side and hit him as he lands. If he performs the sucking attack, just whack him in the face. Once his health is nearly gone, he might begin to flash blue. If he does you won't be able to hit him, try to stay away as he'll launch another heavy electrical attack. Keep pounding him and you shouldn't have much trouble in finishing him off. You'll receive Tri-Thunder once you defeat him. |
The following bosses will be fought in the Reploid Research Laboratory stages. Keep in mind that from now on you can switch to Zero at anytime. |
Velgauder | |||
Height: ??? | Weight: ??? | Weakness: Ray Claw | Special Weapon: N/A |
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Remember Velgauder from X1? Well, you'll have to fight him again here, but it won't be too difficult. Once you reach the end of the first final Maverick stage, he'll jump down the walls of the room before attacking. For most of the battle Velgauder will just try to run into X, try to jump over him to dodge this attack as it causes heavy damage. If you jump up the walls he'll also jump up after you so be careful. He'll also often fire out several energy balls that fly out in wavy directions, so try to jump up a wall to dodge them. If he fires out a large fire-wave, jump up the walls to dodge it. Defeat Velgauder with the Ray Claw weapon. As he charges you, just whack him in the face, and try to attack him as he jumps up over you. Keep hitting him and try to dodge him as best you can. He shouldn't be too difficult to beat. |
Sphinx Tank | |||
Power: ??? | Speed: ??? | Weakness: Fire Wave/Ray Claw |
Special Weapon: N/A |
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This annoying boss will be extremely difficult to defeat. First, you'll notice that a small purple moving pillar will appear above you, you can use this to reach the upper head on the tank. The tank will begin by moving slowly towards X, jump up on top of the pillar to avoid being cornered. The upper head will be constantly firing out energy balls that are difficult to dodge. Try to jump them as they come close. The lower head will sometimes fire out large missiles that will disappear off the top of the screen and then come down on X, move from side to side to dodge them. Make sure that you never touch the large drill on the front of the tank, as it causes massive damage. Once the tank moves all the way to the left, it'll stay there for a few seconds before retreating back to the right. You'll need to destroy both heads to defeat this boss. The top head's weakness is the Fire Wave weapon. Jump up onto the pillar, then fire out towards the head. The small fireball should strike the head and cause heavy damage. Keep this up and keep dodging the energy balls to blow the first head. The lower head's weakness is the Ray Claw weapon. It will be extremely difficult to hit the head without taking damage from the drill, so here I recommend that you switch to Zero. Once you have Zero, you'll notice that if you slash out at any part of the tank, it'll reel back. Keep doing this, then jump up and carefully hit the head without touching the drill. Dodge the missiles and keep up this attack to finish it off. |
Berkana | |||
Power: ??? | Speed: ??? | Weakness: Marine Tornado Fire Wave Tri-Thunder |
Special Weapon: N/A |
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Once you reach the end of the final Reploid Research Laboratory stage, Berkana will appear for the final battle. She'll taunt X at first, then the battle will begin. She'll be floating around the top of the screen for the entire battle, so you'll easily be able to move around safely on the ground. She has two main forms of attacks, both can be deadly. The first one involves her firing out red balls from her staff that bounce around the room. If one hits you, spikes will appear on one of the walls and she'll send down small fireballs. Each time one hits the ground, two flames will crawl out along the ground and up the walls. The problem here is that you won't be able to jump or charge up the X-Buster. You'll just have to hold out until she stops firing. Once the attack stops, the spikes will disappear and you'll be able to jump again. She also often fires out a large blue energy ball from her staff. If it hits you, spikes will line the floor, so jump up the opposite wall to her to avoid them. A platform will appear in the center of the room so you'll be able to dodge her attack. She'll then fire down large blue ice spikes, try to move around as much as you can to dodge them. Eventually the spikes will disappear and she'll start firing out the red and blue balls again. She might also sometimes drop down a large spiked ball that rolls around the ground, just jump over it to dodge it. Her weaknesses are the Marine Tornado, Fire Wave and Tri-Thunder weapons, but you can only damage her with the Marine Tornado and Fire Wave weapons when you've been hit by one of the energy balls. If you get hit by the blue ball, her weakness will be the Marine Tornado, if you're hit by the red ball, it'll be the Fire Wave weapon. It'll be extremely easy to hit her with the Marine Tornado, just position X under her then fire the weapon to cause heavy damage, but be careful as she sometimes dives down to hit X. Jump up near her and fire out the Fire Wave to hit her. To make it much easier, use only the Tri-Thunder weapon, she'll always be vulnerable to it. Just remember to try and dodge the energy balls, if one hits you try to hold out until the attack ends. Use the other two weapons if you run out of weapon energy. She'll be very difficult to beat, but once you defeat Berkana, sit back, enjoy the finale and get ready to go through Zero's normal mode, or if you've already been through it, Extreme mode! |
Zero's Bosses
Maverick Skull | |||
Power: ??? | Speed: ??? | Weakness: Z-Saber | Special Weapon: N/A |
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This first boss will appear once you reach the end of the first stage. It'll take up most of the screen so you won't have much room to move around in. For most of the battle it'll move around, trying to line it's head up with Zero. The head will often fire down a large blue energy beam, dash away to dodge it, as it causes heavy damage. The head will also sometimes spit out two smaller orange heads that follow Zero, just whack them to get rid of them. If the head flashes white, it'll send down a large spinning razor blade that will move across the ground towards Zero, just madly hack at it to destroy it. To defeat this boss, use jump-slash attacks on the head. You'll have to jump up to hit the head, so try to avoid being cornered before jumping. This boss shouldn't be too difficult to beat. |
Blast Hornet | |||
Power: 3400rp | Speed: 8600rp | Weakness: Dash | Special Weapon: Earth Gaizer |
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Blast Hornet will be constantly trying to hit you during this battle. He'll use two main forms of attack, one where he fires out two smaller hornets, and a charge attack. If he fires out the small hornets, they'll slowly home in on Zero, just whack at them to destroy them. If he extends his stinger in an attacking pose, get ready to dash to the left or right or jump up a wall, as he'll fly down and charge at Zero. Make sure you dodge him as this attack can cause heavy damage. To defeat him, just slash at him with the Beam Saber whenever you can, jump up and hit him, then back away in case he performs the charge attack. Keep this up and you should defeat him without much trouble. You'll receive the Earth Gaizer technique once you defeat him. |
Tunnel Rhino | |||
Power: 4200rp | Speed: 8000rp | Weakness: Earth Gaizer | Special Weapon: Drill Crush |
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Tunnel Rhino will be using a lot of charging attacks during this battle. First, he'll probably fire out two small drills that fly across the room at Zero, either jump over them or dash under them to dodge it. He'll also often charge without warning, so get ready to jump up the walls if he does. If he charges and flashes green, he'll pump out two rock boulders as he moves across the room, try to stay up a wall and wait for them to disappear. He might also sometimes ram his large arm-drill into the ground, if he does, smaller drills will appear out of the floor and ceiling, try to stay out of their way and wait for them to stop coming. To defeat him, use the Earth Gaizer technique. Each time you use it, he'll take heavy damage, but you'll probably run out of weapon energy before his health's completely gone. Once that happens, just strike at him when he stops charging or when he isn't moving. A tough battle, you'll need to be quick to dodge his attacks. You'll gain the Drill Crush once he's defeated. |
Wire Sponge | |||
Power: 6400rp | Speed: 4800rp | Weakness: Drill Crush | Special Weapon: Lightning |
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Wire Sponge will be using his vine whip quite often during this battle. He'll begin by throwing the whip up to the ceiling to suspend himself in the air, he'll then fire out several small green seeds that try to land on Zero, so you'll have to keep moving to dodge them. Once the last one lands, it'll become a small thorn vine in the ground or wall, so quickly destroy it. He might also sometimes whip out at Zero, so get ready to jump up the walls to dodge it. He'll also jump around the room so get ready to move. His weakness is the Drill Crush technique, but it'll be hard to hit him without taking damage yourself, if you take too much damage, just use the Beam Saber and strike when he's hanging from the roof or not moving. Once his health is nearly out, he'll probably become red. If he does, stay in the opposite corner as he'll shoot down several electric bolts from the ceiling which can cause heavy damage. He shouldn't be too difficult to finish off. Once he's defeated you'll receive the Lightning technique. |
Overdrive Ostrich | |||
Power: 3800rp | Speed: 9900rp | Weakness: Lightning | Special Weapon: Dash |
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Overdrive Ostrich will battle you in an outdoor desert area. He'll be constantly trying to dash into Zero, so be ready to dash out of the way or jump over him. If he jumps straight up, he'll fire out a flying disc at you, be ready to dodge it quickly as it moves fast. He might also sometimes jump up and fire out several purple discs that fly out above the screen and then straight down. Dodge them by dashing out of the disc's range, but they might also sometimes home-in on Zero, so get ready to move. If he begins hopping around the screen, he'll leave and you'll see him running around in the background. Once he's level with Zero he'll jump back into the screen and try to land on top of him, so dash to the side just as he re-enters the screen. Overdrive's weakness is the Lightning technique, but as you perform the attack, the electric bolts will come down at random locations, so you might miss him. If you keep missing, just attack him with the Beam Saber every time he stops moving. Not too tough a battle, once you defeat him you'll receive the Dash technique. |
The following bosses will be fought in the Reploid Research Laboratory stages. Keep in mind that from now on you can switch to X at anytime. |
Velgauder | |||
Height: ??? | Weight: ??? | Weakness: Drill Crush | Special Weapon: N/A |
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Remember Velgauder from X1? Well, you'll have to fight him again here, but it won't be too difficult. Once you reach the end of the first final Maverick stage, he'll jump down the walls of the room before attacking. For most of the battle Velgauder will just try to run into Zero, try to jump over him to dodge this attack as it causes heavy damage. If you jump up the walls he'll also jump up after you so be careful. He'll also often fire out several energy balls that fly out in wavy directions, so try to jump up a wall to dodge them. If he fires out a large fire-wave, jump up the walls to dodge it. Defeat Velgauder with the Drill Crush technique. You'll need to get very close to hit him, so you'll probably get hit yourself while performing the attack. If your health isn't too low, just keep whacking him, otherwise be careful and time your attacks. He shouldn't be too difficult to beat. |
Sphinx Tank | |||
Power: ??? | Speed: ??? | Weakness: All techniques | Special Weapon: N/A |
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Once again, this poor excuse for a boss will be extremely difficult to beat. He'll be using the same attacks as in X's mode, but it will help if you've already got the Fire Wave technique from X's mode. Using the Fire Wave, stand on the pillar and perform the attack from there so that the flame strikes the upper head. If you don't have the Fire Wave technique, while standing on the pillar, use the Dash technique to inflict damage on the upper head, or switch to X and use charged shots on the head until it blows. Use a sub-tank if your health goes down, but once the upper head is gone it'll be easier from here on. The lower head has a variety of weaknesses, but the best and easiest way to defeat it is to stay on the pillar and madly slash away with the Beam Saber, when the tank comes close you'll smack the lower head and any missiles it fires. Keep slashing and the missiles it fires should miss you. Keep this up and you should finish it off quickly. |
Gareth | |||
Power: ??? | Speed: ??? | Weakness: Drill Crush | Special Weapon: N/A |
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Once you reach the end of the final Maverick stage, Gareth will appear for the final battle. He'll be using a large spear-type weapon often during this battle. First, he'll probably jump up and throw down his spear at Zero, so get ready to dash or jump out of its way, as the spear will fly down and stick in the ground for a second. He might also jump up out of the screen, if he does he'll throw down several spears, but you shouldn't have much trouble in dodging them. His weakness is the Drill Crush technique, so again you'll need to get very close to inflict damage. He sometimes creates a small shield that blocks you attack, but if you can hit him as he jumps up and is just about to throw a spear, you should inflict heavier damage then from a normal shot. He'll be constantly trying to block your shots with his shield, so you'll need to hit him just after he throws a spear. Keep in mind the most of the time he'll drop down into the left corner once he's finished throwing down spears from above. A tough battle, but you'll probably find Gareth a little easier to beat than Berkana. Once you beat him, enjoy the finale, and get ready to play through X's mode, but if you've already done so, you'll now have access to the Extreme mode! |
Extreme Bosses - Sigma
The Extreme game mode will only be accessible once you've beaten X's Mode then Zero's mode or vice versa. Both X's and Zero's modes will be combined so you'll have to face all eight bosses in the game. You'll probably find it easier to use the original character to fight specific bosses with, such as using X to fight the bosses that were in X's mode. Keep in mind that the character who beats a boss will be the only one to get the special weapon/technique.
Once you reach the final stage where you have to fight either Berkana or Gareth, you'll only have to fight one of them according to the character you're using. Also keep in mind that you'll be able to switch from X to Zero or back at any time during the game.
Once Berkana/Gareth is defeated, you'll reach the final Sigma stage where you'll have to fight all eight bosses again. Once they're gone you'll have the final showdown with Sigma.
Sigma Part 1 | |||
Power: ??? | Speed: ??? | Weakness: Drill Crush Dash Marine Tornado |
Special Weapon: N/A |
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Try to make sure that you haven't used X's Marine Tornado while fighting the eight bosses, as you'll need it here. Sigma will confront you once you beat the eight bosses and reach the end of the laboratory. He'll be in his X2 form, his attacks will also be very similar to the ones he used in X2. Sigma'll taunt you before the battle begins. He'll start by charging at you, he'll be slashing at you with his claws quite often, try to jump out of his way or up a wall to dodge it. He also often fires out five large energy balls which, one at a time, home-in on your character so try to dodge each one as they move. If he glows, he'll fire out a huge electrical-wall which causes heavy damage, so try to stay up high on a wall as the electric-wall covers part of the lower screen. You'll probably find using X in this battle easier than using Zero. If you use Zero, Sigma's weakness will be the Drill Crush and Dash techniques, but it'll be very difficult to hit him without taking heavy damage. If you find it too difficult, use X. Use the Marine Tornado, jump up a wall and air-dash over the top of Sigma, once you're directly over him, fire off the weapon to cause heavy damage. Try to dash off to a wall or land on the ground away from Sigma once you hit him. Try to stay up the walls above Sigma, he won't be able to hit you as easily as if you were on the ground. Keep jumping and air-dashing across the room while firing off the Marine Tornado to eventually destroy him. |
Sigma's Final Form | |||
Height: ??? | Weight: ??? | Weakness: X-Buster Z-Saber Marine Tornado |
Special Weapon: N/A |
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Once you defeat Sigma's first form, he'll reappear in this huge armored suit. The large armor is completely invincible to all weapons/techniques except the X-Buster. This final form of Sigma has several attacks. If his armor is a yellow and purple color, he'll fire out several green energy balls, one at a time, which home in on X. Try to jump them just before they hit you and dash around on the ground to dodge them. If he becomes completely purple, green energy balls will appear in the air and will fly straight at X, try to dodge as many as you can before they stop coming. If he becomes a light blue color, he'll fire out the green energy balls again, but he might also stop and fly up out of the screen. He'll then come down on the opposite side of the room, jump up just as he lands has X'll be stunned for a second if you're on the ground when he lands. Be careful if Sigma begins flashing, as he'll fly across the room, creating a large green blast in front of him which is difficult to avoid. If he takes off on a diagonal path out of the screen, he'll come back down on the opposite side and fire off several huge green energy beams that can cause heavy damage. Try to dodge them by dashing under them as they fly across the screen. He might also fly across the top of the screen and pump down a huge green beam which is difficult to dodge, try to stay away from him as best you can until he stops firing, if he stops firing for a split second, quickly dash past. Sigma will probably use the heavy energy beam attacks quite often, so you'll need some practice in dodging them before avoiding them successfully. You'll need to use both X and Zero to successfully defeat Sigma. First, use X to take down the armor's defense by using charged shots from the X-Buster. When he's either yellow or blue, jump up and use a mid-air dash straight up so that you can reach the large face on the chest-plate of the armor. Fire off a charged shot (it must be either the yellow shot or one of the double-shots) and you'll notice that when it hits the large face the entire armor will flash. Hit the chest-plate with four charged shots and Sigma will freeze and begin to flash. When this happens, quickly press Start and switch to Zero. When you return, you'll notice that the armor will disappear and Sigma's first form will appear, motionless and defenseless. Whack him with the Beam Saber to cause heavy damage. You'll have to be quick, as after about a second the armor will reappear again. Make sure you have sub-tanks full, as when the armor is purple you won't be able to damage it, and Sigma will most likely use his energy beam attacks then. If you have to, use Zero while trying to avoid Sigma's attacks if he's purple to conserve X's energy. Once he becomes blue or yellow again, continue using X. This will be a very tough battle, but it's one like no other as you can switch between X and Zero at any time. Keep dodging his attacks, it might take a few tries, but once you manage to defeat Sigma, congratulations, you'll have completely finished the game and you'll now get access to the secret Boss Attack game mode! |